Thursday 6 September 2012

An apple a day keeps google and nokia away

The two major technology giants google and microsoft are ready to give stiff comptetition to the world's most valuable technology company apple which will ready to launch next iphone under its flagship.

Thus for this microsoft collaborating with former no.-1 mobile company nokia to launch nokia lumia 920 which comes with window 8 which is the combination of excellent hardware and software and the phone has also some great features like wireless charging which could be an add-on for nokia lumia.
the launch and price of the phone is not yet announced.

Specifications of nokia lumia 920 are:

wireless charging
pureview technology
puremotion HD+
4.5 inch display
nokia city lens

Motorola which was bought by internet giant GOOGLE last year also announced RAZR M,RAZR HD and RAZR MAXX HD. These phones uses ANDROID and are synched to VERIZON network.

there is no doubt that microsoft and google are both working hard to give stiff competition to IPHONE 5 and they do also do extra innovating things for this and really nokia lumia 920 has some really great features which could create tension to apple iphone developers.

Apple Inc. invited reporters to next week in san francisco with a mesaage shows "big 12" i.e. on september 12 and it is belived that on this day the apple will showcase its new iphone.So we have to see what apple has in his bucket to challenge the nokia,microsoft and google.

leaks and rumours states that next iphone will having larger display than its predecessor.

Currently android dominate with 52.2% share in ths US market and IOS has 33.4% according to COMSCORE.

Here are figures showing smartphone sales and market share worldwide in the second quarter of 2012 By IDC

Android (Google Inc.) � 104.8 million units, 68.1 percent share (46.9 percent a year earlier)
� iOS (Apple Inc.�s iPhone) � 26.0 million units, 16.9 percent share (18.8 percent a year earlier)
� BlackBerry (Research in Motion Ltd.) � 7.4 million units, 4.8 percent share (11.5 percent a year earlier)
� Symbian (mostly used by Nokia Corp.) � 6.8 million units, 4.4 percent share (16.9 percent a year earlier)
� Windows (Microsoft Corp.) � 5.4 million units, 3.5 percent share (2.3 percent a year earlier)

Analyst belives that apple could sell 10 million iphones in its first week of launch.

Now we have to see whether nokia will get success in promoting windows phones by ignoring its symbian phones.

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